About Me

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JLynn has been in the Art, Craft & Jewelry industry for over 30 years ~ promoting creativity through Education and Media. As a published designer, JLynn is known for her colorful Art, Artisan Jewelry, Altered ART Wood Tiles. Online since 2004, a former eBay Power Seller, on Etsy, and Amazon. Family, Art, Nature and Kaleidoscopes are some of her inspirations

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Blueberry Story...pre-post for the 8/31 Challenge!

August 2016 Pretty Palettes Challenge!

Erin of Tesori Trovati Jewelry invited me to participate in this fabulous Challenge sponsored by Halcraft USA.  I agreed to participate, sight unseen, because I love Challenges, and by some miracle of fate, was able to fit it in my schedule.  When Erin sent me the Information - it was one of those moments that just gave you that feeling of being right on the path you are suppose to be on - complete with the chills down the spine (but in a good way), and a little internal Butterfly Wing feeling :) - all because unrelated things in my life - some scary, some challenging...were suddenly all connected in a very positive way - signs...

First off when I saw Blueberries...well it made me SMILE.
We love Blueberries - but when I think of Blueberries, I think of a long family history that involves my Mother-in-Law, who is the Blueberry Buckle Queen in our family.  If you haven't heard of Blueberry Buckle - well, it's a cake like coffee cake that is delicious!

So from the get-go - I was inspired because of Blueberries...BUT...there's more...

As in every family, there are struggles.  My MIL has been battling NHL Cancer for the last two years.  Yes - two years with disappointment after disappointment between Surgeries, Chemo, Radiation, more Chemo, more Surgeries, and finally a Clinical Study.  She had some cautiously good news a month or so ago, and without the long-winded medical details, has now been placed on a Maintenance plan.  Struggles make you put things into perspective and truly appreciate what's really important in life, bringing value to all those "little" things.

Blueberries - my Mother-in-law - Connections

Then after looking at the Color Palette, I was connected again...
As I had just finished a batch of new Molten Metal Copper Components with my Ombre Watercolor painting on Metal - many of which were in the Blues, Purples, and Greens.  (Clicking on link gives you access to quick video on our Facebook Fan page).  

But the connections didn't stop there...
The day before my Birthday, I wound up taking my husband to the Hospital (long story - and he's ok - but it was a little scary in the ER at times).  The short story is they believe he had a Virus, which caused him to become very ill, then dehydrated (despite trying to drink and eat), which caused his blood pressure to plummet dangerously low.  While in the ER that night and into the wee morning hours - he received three bags of IVs in between lots of monitoring.  At one point his BP dropped to 77/53 and his comment was - if anything happens to me - just know I love you.  Needless to say, that was a little bit of a freak-out moment for me.  Doctor came in immediately - adjusted some things - took his BP again and he went back to sleep.   Now for me - I'm a big believer in all the positives, and have this special place in my heart for Guardian Angels.  That night I was like "HEY...Hello my lovely Angels...could really use a little company and looking over here".  I know it's kind of cliche - but sometimes after doing this - you get a calming, warm feeling - kind of reminds me of big soft feathers giving you a special hug that says everything is going to be ok.

And it was :)

The next day as my DH was recuperating at home, I received a message from Kelly of Vesuvius who creates a variety of Enamel and metal pieces.  I ordered a 1/2 dozen pairs from her - and she was sending me pics of the completed pairs.  Well in it...this:

Ironically - Angel Wings - more sweet signs and connections...

You see all these things happened within a few days of each other...
Nothing that you would immediately make connections with - just a part of life.  But after I received the message from Erin, to invite me to take part in this Challenge, you can imagine how I felt when I looked at the Blueberry palette and beads!  Immediately my mind mind flew from one thing to another (Blueberry Photo connected with my MIL, her Cancer, yummy Blueberry Buckle, then my husband, Angels, Kelly's Angel wing components and my molten Metal pieces (both in colors of the palette)
One of those OH WOW moments!

Positive Connections & Signs...they are there, if you pay attention :)

Needless to say - with all these signs and connections - I think it was a certainty that some things are meant to be, and to come together at exactly the right time.  Unrelated one moment - and then in the next moment - all connected.  When I shared this story of connections with Erin (which I have fondly named the "Blueberry Story") - she said she had chills, and loved when there are signs around us, that show the Universe is indeed listening.   As she said - sometimes we all need positive reminders of all the "something good" things.

 So as I complete a variety of projects today for the Reveal tomorrow...the picture above is what my planning table for possible jewelry designs looked like yesterday (well before I started designing that is)...

I'm not sure which designs will come out of it this - but one has already...
My "Blueberry Story" Earrings

Check in here tomorrow for the Design Reveal with Jewelry Details :)


  1. Pooh I live your preview! Glad your having baby is in better non scare health! Blue must be your color for 2016! I look forward to your reveal as now you are probably making some inspiring Art jewelries.

    1. Thanks Kathleen - yes, it's good news about my DH and hopefully no more scares with his health. I've always loved the color blue - and definitely burning the midnight oil tonight...but having lots of fun!

  2. Can't wait to see what you made with all of that stash! Do I spy a few vintage Simple Truths in there?! Thanks so much for playing along with me this month. Enjoy the day. Erin


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